How Long Do Solar Panels Last

With solar energy becoming a more popular and important subject every day, questions about it are popping up left and right. After all, it is an expensive investment that you shouldn’t make without having all the facts. One of the main questions everyone has is: “how long do solar panels last?” If you want to…

How Durable Are the Panels

Are you looking for a way to make use of all the sunshine your roof is getting? Going solar is a way to go, and you know it. Still, you’ve got some doubts about your future solar panels’ longevity. So, how durable are the panels: are they long-lasting, or will you quickly regret getting them?…

How Long Do the Battery Cells Last

Since the sun can’t always hit your solar panels directly, there are certain times of the year when you will need more energy than they can create. Luckily, there is a backup power source that can store excess energy from sunny days and allow you to use it during autumn and winter: solar batteries. But…

How Fast Does Electricity Travel

Solar energy is becoming a more and more popular topic of conversation every day. However, even with so much public interest, there is still a lot of misinformation and unanswered questions going around. One such question is: how fast does electricity travel when it comes to solar energy? If you want to find out the…