Lower Your Utility Bill With Solar

Electricity costs have been rising steadily over the past years, adding pressure on homeowners’ finances. Understandably, some people are wary when it comes to solar energy because it’s quite an investment. Still, the fact that you can greatly lower your utility bill with solar panels is a good reason to think twice. Going solar can…

Finding The Best Solar Installers

It’s no secret that switching to solar power is one of the best decisions that a homeowner can make. Benefits include lower power bills, no greenhouse gas production, and many others. But once you’ve made this decision, finding the best solar installers can prove to be a tricky task. Since it’s crucial to choose an…

5 Reasons Why Your Neighbors are Going Solar

Most people comprehend solar power benefits because the people who use it decrease their utility costs. Some solar-powered homeowners don’t spend anything for electricity. A lesser-known fact is that solar-powered homeowners help everyone in their community, even their neighbors, who still depend on fossil fuels only for home energy. One neighbor, down the road, or…

5 Great Solar Powered Gifts

Solar power presents a cleaner, more sustainable power electricity. But few people can afford to mount solar panels on their houses, and few power providers have invested significantly in solar power generation. If you explore the Internet for solar-powered gifts, you can come up with a lot of surprising gadgets. Some are practical and affordable.…

6 Facts About Net Energy Metering 2.0

What is NEM 2.0? NEM or Net Energy Metering is the term for the billing arrangement where customers with solar panels get credit for their systems excess energy. Utility company’s had to reimburse solar customers at full retail rates for the excess power their solar panels produced. NEM allows residential, commercial, and agricultural customers to…