If you’re considering going solar (or already have), then chances are that at some point, you’ve also had your eyes on electric cars. If, on the other hand, you’re already an electric car owner, then you’ve also likely thought about moving your home over to solar energy. That is nothing unusual. Everyone loves to save money, and we’ve taken the time to list 4 ways electric cars and solar energy work together, giving you that much more bang for your buck.
1. You Will Be Able To Charge Your Electric Car For Cheap
The first of our 4 ways electric cars and solar energy work together is the most obvious one. Upgrading your house to solar energy will give you access to an infinitely renewable power grid. The power grid’s capacity may be limited, but one of the many ways that it can be put to use is charging your electric car. Thus, daytime charging will cost you much less.
And even if you don’t want to charge your electric car during peak hours, you can instead do it at night, when power drawn from your utility grid will be significantly cheaper. Thus, having a solar-powered home will significantly reduce your expenses of having (and driving) an electric car.
2. Your “Gas Station” WIll Now be at Your Home
No one likes driving to a gas station. It can take a while, you will have to deal with the same old, repetitive process, and you will even spend gas driving to and away from the station. Having both a solar-powered home and an electric car will save you all that hassle. You will never have to drive to a gas station again!
As a bonus, you will no longer be dependent on gas price changes or have to endure the fallout that they tend to cause. Energy drawn from your solar grid is and will remain, yours to use as you want. Your future spending will be more predictable and you will be able to plan out your budget much easier.
3. Government Incentives are Always a Good Thing
Depending on where you live, you could be eligible for some rather generous government incentives for buying an electric car. These usually come in the form of state and federal tax credits and can go up to 7,500 dollars. Of course, they’ll only be available until electric vehicles become widespread. You should make use of them while you can.
4. You Will be Making a Difference
The last of our 4 ways electric cars and solar energy work together is a bit more globally-oriented. Namely, given the current state of the world, every little reduction of carbon emissions counts. By having both a solar-powered home and an electric car, you will be making a significant contribution to the fight to keep our planet pleasant and hospitable.
Using your solar-powered home as the energy source for your electric car may not seem like a big thing. However, it all definitely adds up in the big picture. If everyone did the same, we’d have to worry about global warming a lot less.
Conclusion: These Two Pieces Of Cutting-Edge Tech Go Hand In Hand
Moving over to solar energy may seem like a big step to take. The prospect of pairing it up with an electric car may make the whole idea even more intimidating. We are, after all, talking about a major investment of time and money, especially in the short term. However, we hope that these 4 ways electric cars and solar energy work together have helped you realize just how much easier they can make your—and everyone else’s—life.
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