According to several studies adding solar panels to your home can save you plenty of money, at least $100 off your monthly bill. Multiply that by twenty years, and subtract the average cost of the lease and the savings exceed over $30,000. One has to ask, can you even afford to pass up the benefits of an all in house solar provider. Especially when you consider the increase in your home value. Selling a home with that runs on solar has a greater value because of low cost of electricity. A house on the market will have a significantly greater value if it has been outfitted with solar panels. It can be compared to the market influence of living near a school.
Solar Pays You Back
The U.S. government will cover the cost of 26% of installation and equipment. So if you spent $21,000 on solar panels you would get $7,000 returned to you. Also you have to consider that there are rebates from the state, by the time you have received all Solar Renewable Energy Credits you could be looking at over 50% in savings. The bonuses offered won’t be available forever so take advantage of them while you can.
Leasing Benefits of an All in House Solar Provider
Now more than ever it has become easier to convert your home to solar by leasing with sometimes no money down. Leasing or making payment plans are excellent ways for many homeowners to begin converting to solar, but an upfront purchase can save money overall. When paying cash for solar the payback period is only 5 years, after that there would be an exponential increase in the benefits

Solar Panels Have Guaranteed Performance
Most solar panels come with a 20 to 25 year warranty, which is sometimes called a performance guarantee, and ensures that the panels will perform at 80% minimum after 25 years, but the lifetime of the units can exceed 40 years and still produce a valuable amount of energy.
Rescue the Environment
Most home owners go solar because it makes sense from a financial position, but the environmental benefits actually outweigh that and are clearly worth discussion. The United States is second in the world for annual carbon emissions. Our carbon footprint would be dramatically reduced if we replaced oil and coal power with the clean electricity that comes from solar. Saving the environment is probably number one on the list of benefits of an all in house solar provider.
Solar is Economically Beneficial
Becoming independent from petroleum and crude oil would assist our economy in recovering from the recent setbacks of war expenses. Not to mention the cost of military would decrease because of the cost to protect those territories rich in oil. Inevitably the U.S will run out of petroleum and meanwhile use of these resources is becoming increasingly dangerous and it is literally hurting our national security and economy.
Solar is Simple and Easy
No it’s not complicated; in fact solar is quite simple. The easy acquisition and simple design are great benefits of an all in house solar provider. Anyone can get online and find an installer who also retails the equipment. Voila there it is, get it done,, now its your job to do the right thing and join the community of homeowners who care enough about future generations to invest in this technology.
Sunlight is Free Yet People Decide to Pay for Electricity
The utility companies are unreliable with their pricing, The cost of electricity has only gone up it has never gone down. If just 26% of all homes in America had solar collectors then we wouldn’t need the solar companies. We have the technology, now its time to use it.
These Solar Topics are Also Helpful When Considering Going Solar
Benefits of Federal Solar Tax Credits
Ask a Specialist About the Solar Benefits
Solar Has a Bright Future For Us All
I want to make sure that my home is energy efficient. I had no idea that solar power could be so great at that! It’s amazing that they can last such a long time, too! That’s definitely something worth looking forward to.
I want to make sure that my home is energy efficient, but I’m not sure how to go about it. It makes sense that I would want to get solar power! It’s amazing that solar energy can make it easier to pay for energy. That seems like a great way to save money in the long run.