Electricity is a convenience for some and an absolute necessity for others. It is only when there is an outage that you realize what a crucial role it plays in your daily life. And then, there comes that time of the month when your electricity bill is due for payment, and you realize that the cost of that convenience is rather high. At Atlantic Key Energy, we realize that electricity is paramount for everyone and are determined to help you save up on your power expenses! Here are our tips on how to get control of your electricity bill.
How To Get Control Of Your Electricity Bill One Room At A Time
There are many things you can do all around the house to offset your electricity expenses. Many appliances have hidden costs that unnecessarily inflate your power bill. We’re here to help you figure out which devices use up the most energy in your home.
The Living Room
Have you heard of “phantom load?” It refers to the electric energy usage you are likely not even aware of. Devices like the TV, gaming consoles, and phone chargers eat up electricity when they are on standby. To avoid wasting power, make sure to unplug these appliances when you don’t use them.
Similarly, make sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room. Better still, switch from incandescent bulbs to LED ones. Not only do they last longer, but they also save money in the long run!

The Bathroom
Water heating is one of the primary energy expenses in domestic residences. Setting your water heater to 120 degrees will ensure comfortable water temperatures and conserve energy. You could also try to take shorter showers to use less of that precious warm water.
The Kitchen
Another way to stop wasting warm water is by using a dishwasher. However, try to steer away from its drier setting and air dry your dishes as much as possible.
Also, avoid overfilling your kettle to make it work less. Make sure to descale it on a regular basis too, as it will use less energy that way.
Defrosting and cleaning your fridge and freezer often will make them 30% to 50% more energy efficient. You should set fridge and freezer temperatures to 35–38 degrees and 5 degrees, respectively.
The Laundry Room
Whenever possible, do a full load of laundry instead of turning it on half-empty, as it will use the same amount of power and water either way. If your laundry isn’t too dirty, lower the heat setting to save money and preserve the color of your clothes. Also, try to hang your clothes outdoors instead of using your drier whenever the weather conditions allow it.
Are You Ready For Sun Savings?
Going solar will let you take your power bill into your own hands. The industry is booming as the cost of solar keeps falling. According to a recent Energy Information Administration estimate, the average monthly electric bill in the U.S. is around $113. Solar costs are entirely predictable, while the same cannot be said about the rates of electricity in the country. With solar, you can reduce your energy costs up to 100%! Your savings will depend on the square footage of your home, the weather in your area, the size of your PV system, and your overall energy consumption.
If you’re still wondering how to get control of your electricity bill, it’s time to give solar energy some serious thought. At Atlantic Key Energy, we understand that switching to solar is not a spur-of-the-moment decision. We are at your service to help you decide whether going solar is the right decision for you. Take our free solar survey to check whether your roof is eligible for solar panel installation. We can give you a free quote and a 25-year warranty on your system. Feel free to contact us if you’d like to know more about our solar installations.
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