How the New Solar Tariffs Affect You

Back in 2017, the Trump administration set out to increase tariffs on imported solar panels. Supposedly, these new changes would protect U.S. solar panel manufacturers from other foreign markets and help strengthen the industry. Now that it’s been close to three years and the changes have been made, let’s see how the new solar tariffs…

How Does Net Metering Work

Solar power is the most abundant resource of renewable energy on Earth. The power performance of your home won’t change whether you use solar or utility electricity. But setting up solar panels will offset your electricity expenses. The chances are that you have heard about net metering policies. But how does net metering work? Atlantic…

Estimating the Cost of a Solar Installation

Solar system installation is the one investment that is sure to last you a lifetime. Not only is it good for the environment, but going solar permanently reduces (or eliminates) your utility costs. The numerous benefits of a solar-powered household are undoubtedly tempting, but the price of the initial investment thwarts many people. Atlantic Key…

Cost Of Solar Keeps Falling

If you are considering setting up PV panels on your home, you must have heard that the cost of solar keeps falling. And the good news is — you heard right! Here at Atlantic Key Energy, we can confirm that solar panels have never been more affordable. In fact, we expect their price to go…

Solar Survey (Main)

English Spanish Step 1 of 10 10% Home Solar Survey See If Your Home Qualifies to Save! It takes 60-seconds to find out if your home is solar-friendly! First, do you own your own home? Unfortunately, only homeowners qualify for our solar program. First, do you own your own home?* Yes No Great! Solar makes…